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Cultural, Sports & Welfare Center

Sports, Cultural and Welfare Center has prepared their annual event calendar. The student support services are as follows:


Welfare Services

Student Welfare Services are functions under the Cultural, Sports and Welfare Centre. The Centre is administered by In-Charge of the Centre. Mr. R.M.U Rathnayaka is the In-Charge of the Centre and Mr. H.L.T.D. Hettiarachchi is function as Assistant In-Charge of the Centre.        


Sports Activities

The formulation and implementation of sports activities for SLITA students, training of sportsmen and sportswomen for events and organization of sports events are the main functions of the Centre of the Cultural, Sports and Welfare.

Objective for the sports of the centre is as follows:

  • To give an understanding on the values of sports to internal students of the SLITA and to give them a physical development through mental development.
  • To provide an opportunity for improvement of sports activities and skills.
  • To encourage sports participation by playing tournaments with internal and external bodies.
  • To develop discipline by encouraging sports activities among students.


Cultural Activities

The objectives for the Cultural Activities of the centre are as follows:

  • To assist and improve the Cultural and Aesthetic values of the SLITA.
  • To improve the task of arts and development of merit among the SLITA community.

In order to achieve these objectives the centre organizes drama and music, exhibitions, lecturers, discussions, seminars and competitions. 


Advisory Board

The advisory Board of the Cultural, Sports and Welfare Centre is as follows:

  • Director General (Chair)
  • Director (Training & Technical)
  • Director (Operations)
  • Dean of the Faculty of Textile and Apparel Studies
  • In- Charge of the centre
  • Assistant In-Charge of the Centre
  • Coordinators of three sub committees (Cultural, Sports and Welfare)
  • Three Students representative for the students


Colours Awards

At the end of each year, a Colour Award Ceremony will be organized by the Cultural, Sports and Welfare Centre. Sportsmen and Sports Women who reached the required standards under the approved criteria will be awarded colours with the approval of the advisory board.