SLITA will provide fast track and cutting edge education to professionals for managing the Apparel Industry in a competitive era
For Personnel in Production, Laboratory Technicians & Merchandisers, Colour Technicians, Lab Assistants, Colourists in Textile Dyeing/ Colour Matching Department etc.
Main subject areas
- Textile Chemistry
- Influence of Fibre & Yarn Characteristics on Colour Development
- Influence of Fabric Characteristics on Colouration
- Influence of Pretreatment process in Colour Development
- Quality of Water for Dyeing & Printing
- Colour Theory - Understanding Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Colours, Colour Depth, Colour Shade and Tones, CIE I*a*b* System Munsell Colour System , Pantone Colour System
- Textile Dyes & their Applications
- Colour Matching - Reactive dyes on Cotton/Viscose, Disperse dyes on Polyester, Polyester cotton blend Acid dyes on Nylon, Elastane yarn
- Visual Colour Inspection
- Colour Matching Under Light Sources
- Laboratory Equipment & Dispenser
- Computer Aided Colour Matching
- Understanding of different branded dyes
- Recipe Development manual by using spectrophotometer & Manually
- Recipe Adjustment - Tone, Shade, Depth, Brightness, Darkness Duller, Lighter according to swath given by the buyer

Certificate Courses
Full TimeDuration
80 daysDepartment