SLITA will provide fast track and cutting edge education to professionals for managing the Apparel Industry in a competitive era
For Fabric Technologists, Merchandisers or those who wish to embark their career in Textile/Apparel or allied industries
Main subject areas
Module 1 – Fabric Manufacturing Technology Fibres
- Fibre classification
- properties of fibres, their effect on fabric properties and end use.
- Yarn classification
- properties of yarn and their effect on end uses.
Woven Fabrics
- Woven fabric structures
- their properties and end uses.
Knitted Fabrics
- Knitted fabric structures
- their properties and end uses.
Module II – Fabric Processing and Fabric Testing & Inspection Fabric Processing
- Pretreatment and dyeing of fabrics
- Types of dyes
- Technology of dyeing
- effect of fabric finishes on garments and their end uses.
Fabric Testing
- Introduction to fabric testing
- Fabric strength
- Wear resistance
- Colour fastness properties
- Dimensional stability etc.
- Fabric specifications and performance testing.
Fabric Inspection
- Defects in woven and knitted fabrics
- Their identification
- Fabric grading systems