SLITA will provide fast track and cutting edge education to professionals for managing the Apparel Industry in a competitive era
For those who wish to embark their career in Batik Industry or for self employees and industry personnel who seek to upgrade their knowledge for producing export quality products
Main subject areas
- Different types of fibres used for manufacturing fabrics and their properties.
- Preparation of fabric for Batik Dyeing.
- Types of dyes used for Batik Dyeing
-Vat Dye, Sulphur Dye and Reactive Dye.
- Selection of design, drawing, tracing and transferring of design on cloth. Waxing and tools and equipment needed for dyeing.
-Different types of waxes.
-Dyeing of fabric.
-De waxing of the cloth.
-Dyeing in Tie and Dye method.
-Finishing of batik fabric.

Short Courses
Full TimeDuration
03 daysDepartment
Max 10Venue