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Farewell of Mrs. Manoja Badrani and Mrs. Subhashini Balakrishnan

In conjunction with the retirement of Mrs. Manoja Badrani and resignation of Mrs. Subhashini Balakrishnan, a service appreciation ceremony was held on 29th January 2024 at 2.30 pm in the auditorium.

Mrs. Manoja Badrani has done a remarkable service for the institute as a senior technologist for more than 23 years in the Product Ddvelopment Department.

Further, Mrs. Subhashini Balakrishnan was one of the assistant technologist at Textile Technology Department and she has done a great service for the institute. She worked more than one year as Assistant to the Incharge of in the Research Center of SLITA.

The farewell ceremony was organized by the Employees Welfare Association.