Experienced and qualified technical team for imparting skills and knowledge Attractive course fees with very convenient payment schemes and special bank loan facilities for students

In 1984 a small laboratory was set up at the Textile Training and Services Centre with the assistance of UNDP/UNIDO to support the product development and quality assurance work undertaken by the Centre. However, as a result of gradual increase in demand for testing for industry and procurement agencies, in the laboratory commenced testing textile and garments for those who needed the assistance to verify the conformity of products to various specification requirements. In 1995, it was decided to introduce an internationally accepted quality assurance system in 1995 to provide better service to the clients

Implementing Modular Production Systems Pattern Cutting and Grading – To customer specifications

Special projects
The Special Project section has been initiated to provide professional business consultancy services to assist the SME apparel and textile sector. Under this section consultants are deployed to restructure and recognize the production processes to improve efficiency and quality. This section carries out productivity assessment of the factories for a specified period of time and transforms the work force to manage energy efficient operations

Technical Services
SLITA provide technical support and guidance for the industry development sharing professional knowledge to develop stands and provide solutions for the industry.

SLITA assist to obtain National Vocational Qualification level under recognition of prior learning mode and issue product conformity certificate for textile and apparel product.